Night time-lapse of wilderness camping in Montana at Cliff Lake. Rock Peak is the main mountain in the background. I took a 20 second exposure at a 30 second interval for three hours (11pm-2am) with an 18mm lens at f/3.5 and 2,000 ISO.
Song: Something Elated
Artist: Broke For Free
Album: Something EP
Getting There
Other than the precarious drive up the mountain, Cliff Lake is far too easy to get to. Easy, nearly flat, 1+ mile hike. The Northwest had a very low snow pack this year but there was still a little snow up there when we went. About half of the hike was over snow. The weather was perfect and we caught an amazing sunset. Once it got dark we lit up the campfire and I set up the camera to take the time-lapse above. Although it looks like the sunrise in the video, it’s actually the moonrise.